What Choices Would Europeans Make for Climate?
A recent study by the European Investment Bank (EIB) has shown that a majority of European citizens would be ready to fly less to help fight climate change. 74% of respondents said they intended to fly less frequently for environmental reasons once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. 71% of respondents said that they planned to choose trains over planes for short-haul trips. Meanwhile, for 29% of Europeans, giving up their car would be the most difficult option, especially in rural areas.
The study also found that 67% were less likely to use public transport due to COVID-19.
Another survey by the European Consumer Organisation BEUC showed that people expect to prefer individual forms of transport (bike, car) and more local travel after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The SEAM Program helps companies frame their behaviour towards a green transformation, encouraging its participants to set targets to reduce, for instance, carbon emission by reducing travels or using means of transport that are more friendly towards the environment. The targets set by the members for FY2020 compared to the FY2019 figures were met without a problem because the lockdown measures made it that easy. Nevertheless, the SEAM Program cement the mindset change in consumer behaviour triggered by the pandemic.
Going beyond the abrasives industry, the COVID-19 pandemic will inevitably affect the demand for planes, trains, cars and other means of transport with manufacturers from various industrial sectors being among the key customers for the European abrasive industry. The European Commission is also foreseeing a series of actions under its new Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, unveiled in December last year, according to which the emissions in the transport system should be cut by 90% by 2050. Whatever will be the mix of transport modes in the post-COVID-19 Europe, European manufacturers with the SEAM program will greatly contribute to the green transformation of the transport sector’s supply chain.