Dedicoated 3.0 , a digital convention 100% dedicated for coated abrasives manufacturers.
SEAM has met one of its member, Ahlstrom-Munksjö. Estelle Seibert, Marketing Manager, also in charge of the organization of DediCOATED 3.0 unveils exclusively for us some of the topics in the program that will help coated abrasive players to become more sustainable.
What is DediCOATED ?
DediCOATED 3.0 is the first digital convention 100% dedicated to coated abrasives manufacturers. This event is co-organized by Ahlstrom-Munksjö with experts from Imerys, PeterSchwabe, Prefere Resins and Shabra, hence covering the abrasive supply chain and the key raw materials used for coated abrasives. The goal is to offer to abrasive producers opportunities of learning, (re)discovering and meeting us, their supply chain members, either through live lectures, private meetings or in the virtual exhibition hall.
? How to achieve ever finer sandpapers?
? How to be even more efficient in production?
? Raw material and process versatility: what is possible ?
These questions are in the mind of all manufacturers! We will therefore cover these topics through 14 technical live talks hold by experts from the abrasive supply chain. Furthermore, five of these lectures will introduce either solutions or organization processes which can support actors on their sustainability journey and offer opportunities to improve coated abrasive life cycle assessments.
Detailed agenda will be released in May, but we are happy to share a preview with the SEAM members already working on their sustainable manufacturing process:
- Towards a more sustainable resin [Clemens Gartner, Prefer Resins]
- Versatility g( R)ains : A focus on future outlooks [Ertan Sahin, Imerys]
- TEX-STYLE ™, a sustainable alternative to cloth for fine grits [and much more] [Francis Poirot, Ahlstrom-Munksjö]
- Upgrade the quality and turn more sustainable with the new latexed paper generation: 2-Save [Camille Barbier, Ahlstrom-Munksjö]
- Papers for saturation : optimized impregnation process & alternatives to be lean to address ongoing legislation changes. [Cyrille Nau, Ahlstrom-Munksjö]
How does DediCOATED 3.0 relate to the SEAM Program ?
Dedicoated is a disruptive event, where supply chain members take action to create a collective approach to talk to the market. Cultivating such a mindset is key for an industry to develop the right conditions to find answers to such a challenge as sustainability.
By creating a pictogram to make the lectures providing a sustainable highlight stand out, we show that key suppliers care, working either on the processes to minimize environmental impacts or researching product solutions to help the entire supply chain to grow more sustainable.
This can create a positive snow ball effect for the industry which is expected by the SEAM Program, a sustainable initiative launched by the abrasive manufacturers in 2019 and of which Ahlstrom-Munksjö is a member since its inception.
Can you tell us more about the event ?
I can already say that this event is worth spending time on! Unconventional in its organization, it offers additional key highlights not to be missed :
- 1 talk on blotchiness – a joint event with the main suppliers of raw materials all in the same room – never seen before in the industry
- A market insight about sanding & grinding machines key trends with one machine builder: IMEAS
- An insight on creativity and innovation with our key note speaker BUTZI to use creative thinking to boost innovation in the abrasive industry
DediCOATED is a digital event 100% dedicated to coated abrasives manufacturers which will take place from May 17th-28th. The convention is organized by Ahlstrom- Munksjö in partnership with other members of the abrasive supply chain : Imerys, Peter Schwabe, Prefere Resins, , Shabra and IMEAS joining as a guest speaker.
More information and registration: https://bit.ly/2PJKjB0